Nepal- Projekte nach dem Erdbeben

Ihr Lieben,
wie Ihr wisst, war ich im November letzten Jahres selbst in Nepal-
und habe dort somit direkte Verbindungen knüpfen und Leute kennenlernen können.
Sollte Euch nach Mithelfen zumute sein und ein konkretes Projekt unterstützen wollen, hier zwei sehr empfehlenswerte Projekte, mit Menschen, die ich persönlich kenne und das Geld in guten Händen weiss.

Kira Kay ist aktuell auch gerade vorort und im Einsatz- und kann unmittelbar entscheiden, was gebraucht wird. (Projekt

Außerdem kenne ich Nripal, ein nepalesischer Architekt, der gerade sehr aktiv im Zeltbau ist. Seine Donation-Seite:

Danke und mit besten Wünschen,

dear all,
if you wish to support Nepal after its heavy earthquakes of the past days, handswithhands e.V., a german based and operative in Nepal NGO, is a good channel to do so.

the ngo works since more than 15 years in nepal on different sustainable projects and therewith exists of a bigger network of people and projects across the country, who luckily all survived the shakes and are now active in the field for immediate relief. For that they need any help they can get. 100% of all funding arrives in projects, there are no administration fees (except for banking transaction).

Kira Kay, the founder of handswithhands and an australian born, is herself in nepal and helps hands-on in the midst of all, below find a short update of her that we could get over Facebook.

We appreciate any kind of help!

Banking details are:
Account name: Hands with Hands e.V.
Bank: GLS Bank
IBAN: DE46 4306 0967 1135 8729 00
receipt for tax within EU available if donations made to this account
PayPal account: send to

We thank you very much in advance for your contribution.

With heartfelt wishes,
handswithhands – Team

“latest update by Kira”

Thank you for all your messages – I cannot reply to all right now! Mother Earth when she shakes it certainly is a reminder of how fragile we human beings are. The communications have been mostly ‘off’ since the early hours this morning so I am not fully aware of the consequences although after spending several hours so far today wandering the streets and randomly meeting up with friends and making new friends I have seen both the immediate and potential longer term damages … many many building are standing ok, but they are structurally damaged and would not sustain another big quake. We are still experiencing here aftershocks and the fear is high of another big quake … thankfully here in Kathmandu many people know to stay outside and there are ‘community’ camps in every open space and the army/police are coordinating rescue and cleanup operations in the dangerous situations. Right at the moment there is basics of water and food supplies, I find that the local people are resilient and used to the unexpected and responding amazingly. The epicentre has been between Pokhara and Kathmandu and therefore affecting the “hills” region which is quite populated and in the rural areas poorly constructed buildings – some of the news coming in is quite shocking, whole villages destroyed. How many lives lost is still very much unknown at this point and my sense is that it will take weeks to fully assess and collate the damage to both people and buildings. I am very thankful that all my Nepal friends are safe, even though some houses are badly damaged the friends are alive and well as are their families. Walking about the city today I could feel my heart wide open, experiencing helplessness and compassion …
I know for sure I will be a part of the rebuilding here – and I hope to also make some influence in supporting with buildings that are both safe and less impact on the environment.

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